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2025 WMCA General Elections

Call for Candidates!

Candidate Packet Deadline: December 1, 2024

By this notice, the Elections Officer and the Membership Committee announces the annual call for candidates to fill board positions on the WMCA Executive Committee. Service in these positions is a great way to fill service requirements for IIMC certifications and a fun way to be involved in the educational, planning and advocacy activities of the Washington Municipal Clerks Association.

The election will be held from January 27 through February 17, 2025, through electronic voting software.

The following positions are available in this election:

      President Elect (1-year term)

      Vice-President (1-year term)

      Treasurer (2-year term)

      2 Board Member positions (3-year term)

Job descriptions for the position can be found (Click individual position titles for details).

Candidate Packets must be received by the Elections Officer Assistant (Tami Pevey, City of Sultan) no later than Thursday, December 1, 2024. They can be submitted electronically or by hard copy and must be received by the December 1st deadline. 

Candidate Packets must include the four following pieces of information:

1.   Declaration of Candidacy: This is a signed, written document containing the following:

“I declare myself as a candidate for the office of ____________________.  I declare that I am an active WMCA member in good standing. I request that my name be printed on the official ballot for election. Attached is a letter of support from my supervisor, as well as the individual with budget authority (unless the same person) for example but not limited to - a mayor, agency manager, agency administrator or CEO, with a photo and candidate statement which I authorize for use in the election process.”

2.  Candidate Statement: This statement must be no more than 200 words in length, including your name, title, place of employment and a statement of why election to office is sought and must be submitted with your Candidate Packet. All words of more than one letter, all groups of numbers, and abbreviations or acronyms will be counted as one word.

3.  Photo: A black and white or color digital photo of the candidate must be submitted with the Candidate Packet. Photos will be used by the Elections Officer in the electronic voting mechanism and forwarded to the President-Elect who will distribute them to the Board member responsible for the April edition of the Executive Committee Monthly Report to introduce the new Executive Committee.

4.  Letter of Support: A letter addressed to WMCA and signed by the candidate’s supervisor, as well as the individual with budget authority (unless the same person) for example but not limited to - a mayor, agency manager, agency administrator, or CEO, supporting the candidacy, and the candidate’s increased involvement in WMCA, must be submitted with the Candidate Packet.

Send your complete Candidate Packet to:

Via email to:

Via mail to:  Tami Pevey

WMCA Elections Officer

City of Sultan

PO Box 1199

Sultan, WA 98294


All submittals must be received by

December 1, 2024

Printable Call for Candidate Instructions

© Washington Municipal Clerks Association

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