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Are you looking for a way to become more involved in WMCA, meet new friends, network with peers, and share your ideas? All of these opportunities await you as an WMCA committee member. If you are interested in joining a committee or two, or would like more information, please contact the Chair and/or Co-Chair.  Not all committees require your attendance at meetings. Our communications are regularly done by email, fax or phone. So even if you can't travel to the meetings, get involved! We need your input. Thank you for making WMCA a success.

Audit Committee

Conducts the bi-annual audit of the financial records of WMCA

Co-Chair: Kim Agfalvi, City of Orting (360) 893-9008

Co-Chair: Daniel Charchenko, City of Orting (360) 893-9002

Audit Committee Responsibilities

Awards Committee

This committee is charged by the Past President to solicit and evaluate nominations for the Clerk of the Year Award and presents the accepted nominations to the President for final selection.

Chair: Lisa Neissl, City of Walla Walla (509) 527-4424

Awards Committee Responsibilities

Budget Committee

Develops a balanced budget for the upcoming year for approval by the Executive Committee and adoption by the membership at the Annual Business meeting. This committee includes the President, Vice President, President Elect, Past President and Treasurer.

Chair: Heidi Napolitino, Town of Woodway (206) 867-0099

Budget Committee Responsibilities

Bylaws Committee

Reviews the WMCA bylaws and prepares proposed changes for approval by the membership.

Co-Chair: Christine Brown, City of Bainbridge Island (206) 780-8618

Co-Chair: Shawn Campbell, City of Auburn (253) 931-3055

Bylaws Committee Responsibilities

Clerks' Resource Committee

Updates the Clerks' Handbook and promotes the handbook and other resources to the WMCA membership. This committee includes the Legislative Liaison Subcommittee which monitors proposed state and federal legislation, reports, and makes recommendations to the WMCA Executive Committee and membership.

Co-Chair: Jessica Rose, City of Enumclaw (360) 615-5608

Co-Chair: Debby Barham, City of Pasco (509) 543-5770

Clerks' Resource Committee Responsibilities

Conference Planning

Prepares the details of the Annual Conference and works closely with the Education Committee to coordinate efforts for a successful conference.

Co-Chair: Keri MacDonald, City of Cheney (509) 498-9209

Co-Chair: Jodi Wycoff, City of Monroe (306) 863-4526

Conference Planning Committee Responsibilities

Education Committee

Prepares the education program for the Annual Conference and provides logistical support for the spring and fall academies. The Committee Chair serves on the Northwest Clerks Institute Education Committee, which helps the Institute Director develop Professional Development I, II, III, and IV goals and educational offerings.

Co-Chair: Tisha Gieser, City of Issaquah (425) 837-3001

Co-ChairJessica Simulcik Smith, City of Shoreline (206) 801-2231

Education Committee Responsibilities

Education Coordinator

Prepares the education programs for the spring, fall academies and Athenian Dialogues. Serves on the Northwest Clerks Institute Education Committee, which helps the Institute Director develop Professional Development I, II, III, and IV goals and educational offerings.

Alice Attwood, City of Tonasket (509) 486-2132

Education Coordinator Job Description

Fundraising Committee

Raises money for education scholarships in the form of raffles, product sales, etc.

Chair: Andrea Larson, City of Mercer Island (206) 275-7793

EC Liaison: Deb Estrada, City of Mercer Island (206) 275-7791

Fundraising Committee Responsibilities

Historical Committee

Maintains an updated record of all WMCA activities.

Co-Chair: Stephanie Porter, City of White Salmon (509) 493-1133

Co-Chair/EC Liaison: Stephanie Haug, City of West Richland (509) 967-7102

Co-Chair: Tami Pevey, City of Sultan (360) 793-1811

Historical Committee Responsibilities

Membership Committee

Encourages membership in WMCA and conducts elections.

Co-Chair: Melissa McCain, City of Renton (425) 430-6510

Co-Chair: Kandice Besaw, City of Bonney Lake (253) 447-3109

Elections Officer: Tami Pevey City of Sultan, (360) 793-1811

Membership Committee Responsibilities

Newsletter Committee

Creates WMCA monthly newsletter.


Co-Chair: Cheryl Xanthos, City of Redmond (425) 556-2190

Newsletter Committee Responsibilities

Scholarship Committee

Administers the application and granting process for scholarships offered by WMCA.

Co-Chair: Kim Agfalvi, City of Orting (253) 294-6663

Co-Chair: Jason Seth, City of Renton (425) 430-6502

Scholarship Committee Responsibilities


Stephanie Haug, City of West Richland (509) 967-3431 ext. 7102

Tami Pevey, City of Sultan (360) 793-1811

© Washington Municipal Clerks Association

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