Interested in becoming a new member?
Use the JOIN NOW link below to fill out the online application form. You may pay online by credit card or mail in a check with a copy of your invoice.
Please note: the term of membership is May 1 - April 30 and membership fees are not prorated.
Current members: you must login into your member profile and click on Renew. You will be given the option to create an invoice to submit to your accounts payable for payment by check or use the online payment system to pay by credit card. Renewals processed after May 31st are subject to a $25.00 late fee which will be added to your account and invoiced for payment.

Section 1. Membership Classes: The following membership classes are hereby established:
A. Active Member
B. Affiliate Member
C. Associate Member
D. Honorary Member
E. Honorary Retiree Member
Section 2. Membership classes defined.
A. Active Members: Active members are Municipal Clerks, City Secretaries, Recorders, Legislative Administrators, Directors of Corporate Business or Administrative Services, and/or other individuals within an agency who serve a Legislative Government Body in an administrative capacity and whose duties include at least four of the following:
- General Management;
- Meeting Administration;
- Financial Management;
- Management of by-laws, articles of incorporation, ordinances or other legal instruments;
- Custody of the Official Seal and execution of Official documents;
- Records Management;
- Human Resources Management;
- Administration of elections
Active members in good standing (annual dues paid) shall have full voting privileges.
B. Affiliate Members: Any business representative (such as attorney, financial consultant, corporate representative, etc.) that seeks to assist in the accomplishments of the objectives of WMCA may, upon payment of annual dues, be an affiliate member without voting privileges.
C. Associate Members: Any former active member, upon payment of annual dues, may be an associate member without voting privileges.
D. Honorary Members: Retired charter members and retired past presidents of WMCA shall automatically become honorary members, without voting privileges, upon retirement from public employment in the State of Washington. No annual dues shall be required for honorary membership. The President shall announce names of honorary members to the membership at the annual meeting
E. Honorary Retiree Member: Retiring members that have maintained at least ten years of membership, and at least one of the following: obtained their Certified Municipal Clerk (CMC) designation, served on the WMCA Executive Committee, served as a WMCA Committee Chairperson, or received the Clerk of the Year Award/President’s Award of Distinction, shall be eligible for an Honorary Retiree Membership. No annual dues shall be required for Honorary Retiree Membership.
Section 3. Determination of Membership Classification: The Executive Committee shall have the power to determine any classification of membership.
Section 4. Transferability of Membership:
A. Whenever an Active Member becomes disassociated from the Municipality which funded the position which qualified him/her for Active Membership in WMCA, the Active Membership in WMCA shall remain with the Municipality and be transferred to a successor. However, the disassociated member may request another membership classification as provided herein.
B. In the event the Active Membership was paid for by the individual member and not by the Municipality, the Transferability of Membership question shall be determined by the Executive Committee.